Embedding Code can be dangerous and unfair.
In some instances, the embedded code has led to Groups / Galleries / Forums being broken and our IT developer resources being diverted from very important improvements/fixes for MM to remove the errant code.
Unless you really know what you are doing, please do not embed any code in any comments section anywhere on the site.
Where a break happens the page will receive low priority to fix and be disabled until the developers find time to go in and fix it.
Also, Embedding "Like" code in private messages, gallery, group & forum comments is not allowed UNLESS it's using clearly identifiable anchor text..
Misleading text is an unfair strategy creating an uneven playing field for the people who play by the rules.
This unfair strategy creates an uneven playing field for the people who play by the rules. Galleries with inflated likes risk being disabled and deleted from Microminimus.
In Summary -
1) Don't embed code unless you know what you are doing.
2) Don't embed Like codes anywhere.